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The Best Types of Security Gates for Your Business

Every business needs the best security measures to protect its investment. In a physical commercial setting, one important security measure that you need is the best security gate. It’s able to keep intruders and thieves away. In this case, you are able to protect both physical assets and human resource. In addition to offering physical protection, a good security gate gives your business property a professional look.

With getting technology upgrading each day, there are so many types of security gates that you can invest in. However, not all will give you the best performance. For this reason, we talked to New York Gates, leading experts in residential and commercial gating solutions, about it and here are the gate types that they consider the best for businesses:

Bi-fold Gates

Sometimes referred to as side-folding or just folding gates, bi-fold gates are known to be the most economical when it comes to space. So, if you are looking to save on space, they are a perfect choice. In addition, they are easy to lock. This is important in securing your business at all times. In New York, these gates are mostly used as a traffic barrier. They have vertical lines which allow easy visibility of traffic. Overall, they are known to create the illusion of having massive open space, more so when you don’t really have it.

Swing Gates

Unlike bi-fold gates, swing gates are known to occupy extra space. This is because the gate has to swing from one end to the other when opening or closing. Sometimes, these gates come with rollers which make their operation much easier. You can request for the roller option from New York Gates. In case your space is limited, you can opt for the double swing. In this case, the space requirement is halved as you’ll be having two doors swinging instead of one. The option is ideal in high traffic areas as it’s able to save time. Overall, swing gates are a stylish and attractive option. They are just ideal for modern businesses.

Manual Lifts

Still considering a space-saving option? We’ve to bring manual lifts into the conversation. These gates are manually operated to lift up when opening up. In this case, you only need vertical room to open them up and not horizontal room. Though these gates are quite popular in residential, we are seeing a few commercials embracing the technology. Though most of them do it for space-saving reasons, others do it because the gates are a fashion statement. Simply, they add a characteristic modern touch to your business. The only concern is that they are labor intensive. You need someone on standby to manually operate the gate or do it yourself.

Electric Lifts

Electric lifts look similar to manual lifts, only that they are automatically operated by electricity. So, you can call them automatic lifts since no physical effort is required to lift the gate. They are really easy to operate and this makes them such a great choice. Additionally, they respond fast to commands and thus you don’t waste any time waiting for the gate to open. A lot of times, these gates are remote-controlled. So, you don’t require a security gate on standby to open the gate for you.

Roll-Up Gates

These gates are probably the commonest for commercial establishments in New York. Sometimes referred to as rolling or roll-down gates, these gates promise physical strength, durable performance, and energy efficiency. They are also known to block noise, draught, and dust. So, if you are looking for a gate that blocks interruptions when working, you should think about roll-up gates. The gates are crafted based on your security needs and to match the aesthetic nature off your business. The advantage is that repairs are minimal.

High-Speed Doors

These are not your typical commercial doors. They are actually strongly-built gates which take the appearance and operating mechanism of a standard commercial door. They are carefully crafted and the materials are professionally selected to ensure advanced security reinforcement. They are designed to be fitted in high traffic areas like the warehouse. So, they are a great pick for industrial businesses. Unlike conventional doors, high-speed doors are easy to operate and suffer few repairs. So, they save you not just time, but money too in the end.

Storefront Gates

If you have a store for keeping your business supplies, it needs a perfect security gate. This is where a storefront gate comes in. It’s meant to protect your business supplies and to control traffic to the area. This ensures that your assets are not exposed to malicious minds from either inside or outside the business. These gates are such a great choice because they invoke high safety standards. It’s simply not easy to be injured with a storefront gate. Furthermore, its operations and maintenance are cheap. So, it’s a great long-term security measure for your store.

Arm Barriers

If you are just looking for a simple gate, one that’s economical yet secure, you should go for an arm barrier. This gate is quite popular in the car park since it allows you to monitor your commercial cars from a distant. However, the option is not really a great one if you are looking to prevent intruders from looking. You’ll prevent them from coming into your car park but will not bar them from prying. With New York Gates, you can request for a crash arm barrier design to be able to stop vehicles from crashing.

Fire Shutters

Lastly, when closing a shop, you don’t have to roll down a robust and complicated gate. All you need is a fire shutter. It’s a great alternative to a rolling gate when it comes to shops and other small businesses. This miniature gate actually operates the same way like a rolling gate, only that it’s meant for small openings like the windows, countertops, and concession stands. The gates come in different designs, material choices, and finishes for you to choose from. For example, you can go for galvanized metal, stainless steel, or any painted metal design.

Closing Thought:

At the end of the day, physical business security starts at the gate. That’s where malicious individuals mostly enter and leave your business premise. So, it’s important to control them and this means fitting the best gates. You can visit https://www.nygates.com/ today to inquire about the above gates and many others. This’ll help you decide on what you should go for.

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