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Why Is My Garage Door Opener Opening Both Doors?

If you have ever wondered “why is my garage door opener opening both doors,” the answer is probably pretty simple. Common causes of this problem include wireless interference, a faulty remote control or an incorrect setting.

Modern garage doors are sturdily built and designed to provide years or even decades of reliable service. When they open and close by themselves or two garage doors that are designed to operate separately begin to work together, the cause of the problem is usually relatively minor and easy to fix. This article will cover the various things that can cause garage door openers to open both doors, and it will provide you with some tips to help you to deal with this problem or avoid it altogether. 

Fixing a Garage Door Remote Control

The remote control should be the part of your garage door system that you check first when problems arise. Virtually all automatic garage doors have a button that can be used in place of the remote control, which makes narrowing down the cause of the issue very easy. If the interior button works but the remote control does not, the cause of the problem is likely a dead or faulty battery. This is because garage door remote controls are extremely simple devices with very few parts that could cause a malfunction. If a fresh battery does not do the trick, replacement will probably be cheaper than repair. 

Removing a Remote Control from a Garage Door System’s Memory

If you do get a new remote control, you should clear your garage door system’s memory before you program it. This will render all operating devices linked to the system ineffective, and it is something people often do when they buy a home to improve security. You will probably need a step ladder to do this as the button you need to push will be on the main garage door control unit, which is probably mounted to the ceiling. In most cases, the process is as simple as pushing and holding a button marked either “learn” or “program.”

Factors That Can Stop a Garage Door from Working Properly

If your garage door is not working properly or the remote control opens two doors instead of one, you will probably spend more time looking for the source of the problem than you spend fixing it. That is because there are many things that can cause garage door malfunctions but remedying most of them is fairly straightforward. 

Overlapping Radio Signals

Garage door remote controls are small radio transmitters, but they are far from the only devices that use this technology. Home security systems, wireless video game controllers and automobile remote entry systems all use radio waves, and they can interfere with garage doors that use the same frequency. If this is the cause of your problem, you should check your garage door opener manual to find out how to change the system’s frequency or code, or you could call the professionals at New York Gates.

Dirt and Debris

Poor maintenance is the cause of many garage door issues, and sometimes all that is needed to get the system working again is a good cleaning. Before you start taking your system apart, clear leaves or other debris out of the tracks to see if this simple step takes care of your problem.

A Faulty Remote Control

There is not much that can go wrong in a garage door remote control, but they can stop working when their batteries die, or their buttons become clogged with dirt and grime. If you think your garage door remote may be faulty and replacing the batteries did not solve the problem, open it carefully and look for obvious issues like loose or disconnected wires. If nothing jumps out at you, the problem is likely not being caused by the remote control. 

A Blocked or Misaligned Photo-Eye

Modern garage doors have safety sensors that prevent them from closing on people or objects. If your door’s auto-reverse feature activates every time you try to close it, there is a good chance that the light beam that triggers these sensors is being blocked by something. If there is no obvious obstruction, check the photo-eyes on each side of the door for dirt or debris accumulations.

No Power Going to the Operator

Automatic garage doors need electricity to operate. If you hear nothing when you push the button and no lights are illuminated, there is a good chance that your system is receiving no power. This could be caused by something simple like an unplugged power cord, a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse, or it could be the result of a more serious electrical problem. Easy fixes you can handle yourself, but complex electrical issues should be left to a professional.

Dead Batteries

If your garage door opens when you push the wall button, but you get no joy when you use the remote control, expired or dead batteries are probably responsible. Fortunately, this is a very easy issue to resolve. Just open up your remote control chassis and replace the batteries. If you use batteries that have been lying in a drawer for years, check the best by date on the package to make sure they are still good.

Broken or Damaged Garage Door Extension or Torsion Springs

Modern automatic garage door systems have extension or torsion springs that help to raise and lower the door. These springs do not last forever, and they are prone to breaking without warning. If you hear a loud pop or bang when you use your garage door, it was probably caused by a broken spring. This is not a problem you should deal with yourself because even handling a damaged torsion or extension spring can be dangerous, so call a garage door expert to fix this problem.

Broken Cables

Springs keep your garage door system under tension, but cables actually raise and lower the door. When the springs break, the cables often snap soon after. This can cause garage doors to fall suddenly and without warning, which can be very dangerous. Repealing snapped garage door cables is a job that should be handled by a professional. 

System Sensitivity Is Set Too High or Too Low

The factory settings of garage door systems are not suitable for every application. The sensitivity setting determines how much force is used to raise and lower the door. If it is set too high or too low, the door will open and close with great force or not work at all. Check your owner’s manual to find out how to adjust the sensitivity setting or call an expert. This is something you won’t have to worry about if you have your garage door installed by professionals

The Signal from the Remote Control is Blocked

If your garage door remote control is not working and the batteries are good, something is likely blocking the radio signal it sends out. In this situation, point the remote at the garage door from various angles to identify the cause. A tree or bush is usually responsible. If this does not work, check the antenna on the control unit for damage or dirt accumulations.

An Incorrect Limit Setting

Another garage door system factory setting tells the controller how long it takes for the door to open and close. If the limit setting is off, the door might reopen every time you try to close it because it thinks the ground is an obstruction. Fixing this is a minor adjustment that should really have been performed when the door was installed.

A Misaligned Door Track

Automatic garage doors run along metal tracks that can become damaged, bent or misaligned. If your garage door seems to hit a sticking point when you open or close it, check these tracks for obstructions or damage. If the tracks pass a visual inspection, they are probably misaligned. This is something that you should tend to right away as these problems tend to get more serious over time. 

A Small Obstacle Is Present

If your garage door reopens when you close it and the photo-eyes are clear, there may be a small object on the ground that is triggering the auto-reverse feature. Instead of getting down on your hands and knees to look for tiny stones or other small objects, just get a broom and sweep obstructions out of the way. If this does not take care of the issue, you should check to see if the auto-reverse feature is being activated by something lodged in one of the tracks. 

The Garage Door Motor Has Been Turned Off

Most automatic garage door systems have switches that turn the motor off. If your garage door does nothing at all when you press the button, this switch may have been pushed or a plug may have been pulled out. This is a very easy fix as these switches are usually red and clearly marked. 

The Garage Door Has Been Locked Inadvertently

Some garage door systems lock when a remote control or keypad button is pressed and held down for several seconds. If this happens to you, you can unlock the system by simply repeating the procedure. 

The Gears in the Opener Are Stripped

The gears inside many garage door controllers eventually wear out and become stripped. When this happens, the motor will start to run but the door will not move. Replacing these gears is not a DIY job, so use the door manually until a professional repairs or replaces it. 

The Garage Door Keypad Is Not Synced

Some garage doors have wall-mounted keypads instead of buttons. If your system has one and it does not work, resetting it is usually accomplished by a sequence of button prompts. Check your owner’s manual to find out the correct procedure. 

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most common problems that homeowners face when dealing with their garage doors. 

Is there a way to reset my garage door opener?

Some older systems may have a different way to reset the garage door opener, but a quick online search should provide the correct procedure for your model. Most newer ones are easy to reset. Simply locate the “home” or “learn” reset button on the opener and press it for about five seconds. This will restart the system. 

Can my garage door opener open my neighbor’s garage door?

No. They are two separate systems that cannot communicate with one another because they operate on different radio frequencies. 

My app is opening and closing multiple garage doors simultaneously. How do I fix it?

You need to limit the number of garage doors that your app can control. To do this, open the app and go to Settings. There should be a section for garage doors with a list of door numbers next to it. Tap on each door number until you have only the doors that you want to control displayed. If the app is still opening too many doors, you need to log in to your account on their website and limit specific door numbers there.

How do I deactivate my garage door opener?

If your garage door opener is not working, you can deactivate it by pressing the red button on the motor. This should only be done if repairs are needed, or you are replacing an old system with a new one. Otherwise, there may be other things that need to happen before this will work properly again. 

Contact New York Gates for Your Garage Door Service

You may find you’ve tried everything in the book, and your garage door opener is still not working. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to contact New York Gates for assistance. We have experts who can help you diagnose and fix the problem quickly and easily. Contact us today at 718-614-0616. We serve all of New York City and will be glad to get your garage doors working like new for you. 

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